We haven’t owned a car in eight months. This month we revisited our decision to be car-less. I have to say, I don’t miss it. Between walking and the ease of public transport in Singapore, we are going to continue to be car-less.
I’ve written before about the joys of walking before. I’m often reminded of what comedian Steve Wright once said, “everywhere is within walking distance if you have the time.” We have shops, restaurants, parks, and a hospital within 10 minutes walk from our house. I can walk to work.
That doesn’t even take into consideration public transport. There are eight bus stops within 5 minutes of my house. The map below shows, in red, the parts of Singapore that I can reach from just one of those bus stops, without having to change buses.
If you add in connections to other routes and the metro system, there aren’t many places that I can’t get to in town. If you live in Singapore and want to check this out for yourself, use the Bus Routes Explorer.
I know that we’ll probably have to buy a car when we move back to the U.S., but for now I’m enjoying the long walks and one less bill to pay each month.